27th Annual Forget Me Not Memorial Event
October 14, 2023 @ 9:00AM — 11:00AM Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Hugh Taylor Birch State Park, Bayon Pavillion: 3109 E Sunrise Blvd Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304 Get Directions

27th Annual Forget Me Not Memorial Event
The Forget Me Not Memorial Event is FREE and held rain or shine. Everyone is welcome. This is a time to honor and be with others who have suffered a similar loss. To commemorate and show our love to all the babies who are gone but not forgotten, we invite you to join us. Walk down Memory Lane by bringing your pictures, poems, and notes of, about, or for your baby.
October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month. Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition of Broward County’s Forget Me Not program has been a leading source of support for thousands of families. More than 300 babies die before their first birthday each year in Broward County. Our goal is to be there to assist each and every family at the time of loss and through the healing process. Our local hospitals are provided with hand-knitted blankets and bereavement materials to help the entire family in their grief. We offer one-on-one peer support, as well as the Healing Your Heart support group.
Sponsorship Opportunities are available. Please contact Rachel Osinoff, Development Director to learn more rosinoff@hmhbbroward.org